How to target country-specific websites for targeted traffic

I have told you several ways to drive traffic to your website, but as many of us know that due to the purchasing power of users of these countries, the U.S. And U.K. Countries like this are better suited for traffic ads and affiliate sales.

There are many factors that can help you find country-specific traffic. For example, Alexa Rank 55200, which tells how popular super310 is in India, while its global rank is 801288, which tells how popular it is at globally.

In fact, I can work on targeting India based traffic, but whenever I repeat my blog business plan, I change my target audience and after that, I realize that the Indian audience is targeted It is better to do because it offers less competition and better supply: demand ratio.

This shows my special case but, I am sure many of you are blogs for AdSense income and want traffic from specific countries. In this post, I will share with you some ideas that can help you improve traffic from the target country.

Of course, there is an easy solution to buy country-specific traffic, which can work in terms of commercial and e-commerce sites. But staying natural for blogs is the best way.

India's maximum traffic?

Domain name:

Typically, top-level domain extensions such as .com and .org are at higher positions in the global search engines, but buying a country-specific domain is the best idea for targeting your country or website to a specific country.

You may have seen that most Australian bloggers use .au domain extensions, and they rank highly in the Australian Google search. Similarly, in India, you can target .in or as your domain extension for good results. For traffic from the United Kingdom, you can choose domain extensions for good results.

To preserve your brand, you can also purchase other TLDs such as .com or .org But this idea is one of the most important losses that it would be very difficult for you to get a rank on other country-specific search engines. Therefore, if your goal is clear and you know your target audience, the country-specific domain extension is the best option for you.

Here you can find a list of Genetic TLD. You can also buy domains from Bluehost India

Google Search Console Geotranging:

Note: If you use country-level domains like .in, and .au, you will not get the option of Geotranging. Read this government help guide.

Google Search Console is a free tool for bloggers and webmasters, which is very useful for bloggers or webmasters who are trying to get country-specific traffic. With this tool, you can determine which country your website is targeting, and in this way, it helps you to get targeted country traffic.

Under Google Search Console and Configuration> Settings, log in and verify your website, you can specify which country you want to target.

WebHosting Server Location:

Another important factor in running geo-targeted traffic is your server location. If your goal is to track U.S. traffic, (United States) based server, you should host your website. If you are targeting Australia, then host your website in Australia.
Other factors like CDN also help speed up your website in different countries, but to focus on your target traffic, host your website only in the countries where you are targeting traffic. This will ensure that the IP of the server will cause your website to load faster in that country, and search engine bots will be able to find the location of your server. This will help to increase the rank of your site in that particular country where you are targeting traffic.


When Google started searching, they used backlinks to determine the popularity of the content. With the passage of time, there have been many changes, but the importance of Backlinks still remains. For this reason, targeting country-specific backlinks is a good idea.
For example, if your target audience is the U.K. Then try to get the most backlinks from U.K.-based websites. You can also use Alexa to get a list of popular websites in a particular country or to get domains with country-specific domain names. When you want to target the traffic of a particular country, then this particular strategy proves to be the most efficient.

You can run country-based backlinks by taking advantage of guest blogging opportunities or spending some time on the art of blog commentary. If both of these are done well, both methods are proven and penguins are safe.

Content level targeting:

Your content is the main sign that Google uses to determine which country you are targeting. If you are targeting multiple countries simultaneously from your generic domain name extension (.com, .org), add the country name to your post’s meta title and description. This will not only make your content more keyword-targeted but will also give a clear indication to the country that you are targeting.
In addition, the content and language you use in your article will also determine the ranking of your website. We all know that readability is a known SEO factor and if your language is targeted for Indian standards, then it would be very difficult to target traffic. For this reason, you need to improve your language for the particular country whose traffic you are targeting, or employ authors or editors of that particular country, or who have the language of that country excellent writing and Grammar skill hires them.

Local SEO using Google Places:

It can not be applied to a general blog, but if you are running a service blog or e-commerce website, Google Places will be very useful to you. Claim your business on Google Places and add all related information like address, phone number and more. This will allow Google to know the business location of your business
You can also create social media profiles and fill out the information on different websites to help you pursue your specific targeted traffic in the targeted country and get more new quotes. You can try Nom to check the availability of social media profiles.

Submit your website to local search engines and directories:

I have already told you about the places to deposit your website, which are targeted for a global audience. For country-based traffic, you must submit your website to local search engines and local web directories. After all, it will become a very useful tool to get country-specific backlinks, which will become an important factor in determining your geo-location traffic.

Use Google Trends to see keyword popularity:

As I have said before, you should target the contents of your blog according to the keywords that are popular in a particular country where the traffic is being targeted. For example, 160by2 keyword is very popular in India, but not in other countries.
Try searching for keywords that are popular with your target country viewers and can create content strategies based on them. For example, most of the time on the iPhone blog is the U.S. Or traffic of U.K because the iPhone is more popular in those countries than in other countries.

Track keyword progress in country-specific searches:

So far, we talked about the techniques you can use to target website traffic to specific countries. After this, you have to keep track of the keyword progress in your targeted country. This will help you to know which strategies are working and what is not. When you search for a strategy that is working, you can move it forward to focus on that strategy and take it to the next level. You can use SEMRUSH to check keyword ranking in specific countries, which supports Google Search.

Whenever you are writing a business plan for your blog, your target country should be in your priority list because it will help you to run your content marketing and blogging campaigns efficiently.
Do you follow any other way to target website traffic in a particular country? Tell me about it by using the comments section below!
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