How to check keyword ranking on Google

(Google पर कीवर्ड रैंकिंग कैसे चेक करें)

1. Manually Checking Keyword Rankings

You can manually check your ranking in Google by doing a keyword search and scrolling through the results until you find your website listed. It is the most time-consuming method for position checking.

2. Using Google Search Console to Check Keyword Rankings

Search Console is a free way to check keyword rankings in Google. And it removes all the manual work for searching for keywords.

3. Using a Paid Tool to Track Keyword Rankings

1.Keyword Finder 2.SERP Checker 3.Link Miner 4.Site Profiler

It's one of my favorite tools because it's cheap and gives you everything you need to track your website's success.

How do I find out where my website ranks on Google?

(मैं कैसे पता लगा सकता हूँ कि मेरी वेबसाइट Google पर कहाँ रैंक करती है?)

1. Set up Google Search Console

First, log in to your Google Account. After that go to Google Search Console. Add a property (ie your website domain).

1.Adding HTML code to a site's <head> tag. 2.Uploading an HTML file to your root domain. 3.Verifying the website through your Google Analytics. 4.Adding DNS records to your domain name provider.


how to check keyword ranking on google

By Saurabh Pal